About Us
Instead of giving you our resume, we thought we’d just let you get to know us...and in the process show how we can bring value to you and your business!
Sound good?

Rodger and Melissa Taylor
When you think back to when you were a teenager, or even younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I (Melissa) wanted to be an actress, then wanted to be a director. When I entered college as a Communications major, I wanted to be the next Barbara Walters!
But in the last year of my college career I switched from Communications to Political Science and Philosophy, had to work like heck to graduate on time, and also became entrenched in the world of competitive dance on the side! No, not the performing arts kind, but rather the dance-with-a-partner kind – you know, waltz, swing, cha-cha, etc.
I grew from being a competitor, to a coach, a choreographer, and even a judge. And THAT is when I met Rodger. (So yes, we met on the dance floor!)
Rodger had big dreams of being a major league baseball player or a full-time skydiving pro (he is a dive master but hung it up when we began a family). But those were not to be.
So he went to college and graduated as an Electrical Engineer, got a good job, and after several moves landed in Denver, Colorado. Once there he decided a good way to meet girls was to go dancing….so he did.
Hence the road that led him to competitive dance, then hiring a coach (my dance partner), and meeting me!
The Dance Life
We built a strong dance business together over the next few years. I had already opened a dance studio in Colorado, and together (he left his engineering job for the dance business) we traveled and grew our business for over five years.
We owned and operated two international dance events in addition to our coaching, choreography and judging business. We received high honors and awards throughout our life in dance and published a book and video series for beginner through advanced dancers.
Then we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy, and then a girl 2 years later…
What a WONDERFUL new chapter, but we realized that we could not keep up the travel schedule that dancers' lives require AND raise our children in the manner that we wanted. So, we sold our dance events and business and set off on new adventures.
The Next Change
Rodger made the leap back into corporate America by joining his former company again. He took on the responsibility of Worship Leader at our church for many years, directing the choir, leading the band, and (with my help) even doing the children’s musicals.
I concentrated on being a wife, a mom and volunteer extraordinaire! From working in children’s ministry, to organizing events and functions, to reaching into the community and hosting fun outings and even a book club. Getting involved in school, church, and community recreation were also on my volunteer resume.
Then we dipped our hand into the real estate world and managed to find ourselves with 11 rental properties.
WOW! That was an eye opener! I had seen my parents deal with rental properties while I was growing up, but we were only slightly prepared for that journey. When we sold and released that last property we were shouting for joy!
Surprise Path
In 2015 my entrepreneurial spirit came rushing back in!
I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do but I did know a few key things:
I didn’t want to trade my hours for dollars…I wanted leverage.
I wanted to be in charge of my own time so I wouldn’t miss anything with my children.
I wanted to do something that allowed me to help other people.
I wanted to be able to reach out, meet new people, and connect them to each other or to solutions they need.
Enter the next journey – network marketing. What?!? I had never even thought or considered anything like this before.
I found a company that aligned with my new-found passion for really helping others live a life full of vitality and optimal health. I went back to school and received my Integrative Wellness Certification and even wrote a Wellness Guide and a Bible Study based on what the Bible says about all this wellness stuff.
I basically had no idea what network marketing was or how to really go about it. But once I began, staying coach-able along the way, I realized that the skills I had developed throughout my life were the exact skills needed to succeed.
I grew a sizeable networking group by sharing my business growth knowledge with other small businesses and entrepreneurs. I spoke extensively about wellness, business best practices, marketing and more.
When the speaking began to become the focal point of my new found career, I moved away from the networking marketing scene and dedicated myself to speaking and coaching other business owners on SCALE and Growth.
Put it All Together...
Through all my businesses, volunteer positions and responsibilities I had gotten really good at coaching, networking, streamlining processes, mastering duplication, and getting things done.
Rodger, through all his experiences and professional growth, has the skill sets that directly compliment those I was now using in my business.
He has helped me online and developed skills around website building, sales funnels, marketing automation, local SEO, and more. He improves processes, expertly crafts value stories, and daily leads others with vision and motivation.
Hence the birth of RODGERandMELISSA.com!
In addition to a successful coaching business, together we have formed and run Network Build Grow.com and are often asked to speak at events and groups on the power of online and offline professional networking, speaking, business best practices and more to increase influence and turn efforts into profits.
We have two wonderful young adults, and each day brings new delights, challenges and memories that we will always treasure.
Our professional goal is to continue building our broader coaching business by firmly focusing on bringing value to others…offering encouragement, inspiration, and motivation while providing the right online and offline strategies for other entrepreneurs on their journey.
Rodger and I now know what we want to be when we grow up– we want to be the ones to help others achieve their goals!