In this video we look at some of the characteristics that studies have found are common to those who have made millions or even billions in their business!Millionaires don’t just get lucky, so we dive into those mindset shifts and the actions that highly successful people have used that you should too! Start today thinking (and […]
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Download the Priorities and Goals Workbook HERE! We all use them…EXCUSES why we can’t get more done or don’t have time to do what we want.Break the cycle, and use these suggestions to help you stop using these time management excuses today! Pro Tip If everything is important….then NOTHING is important. (Read the Full Transcript […]
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Download the “Promote Yourself” Workbook HERE! Don’t BRAG!That’s how we all grew up – our parents, teachers, friends, all told us not to BRAG. It’s unlady-like, annoying, self-centered and an egotistical way to be. And although true, as business owners (thought leaders and speakers especially) we must become comfortable with communicating our expertise.Our businesses, and our […]
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(Video by Rodger…video content by Melissa ;-))Learn how to cut through the noise. Use these 5 tips to get your message heard and get past what’s holding you back!In this video we look at 5 important tips to get your message heard in a world where there is a LOT of noise. Have a great, […]
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Whether you’re a relatively new business owner or seasoned entrepreneur, there are certain things you need to remember.These guiding rules help keep you focused, on track, and moving forward! Share0 Tweet0 Share0
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Are we the only ones who sometimes feel “stuck”?We’ve got 201 things to do and are always busy, but for some reason it doesn’t feel like we’re moving forward.You’ve probably felt this way too at times (or maybe a LOT).This week we wanted to let you in on some of the things we come back […]
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Here’s a quick but VERY powerful networking tip.Guess what’s one of the most common, destructive mindsets that plagues business networkers today…It can make your networking efforts completely ineffective…It can make the time you spend at networking events totally fruitless…Do you know what it is?Watch the video above to find out what it is, and more […]
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“Kiss your But Good-Bye” a book written by Joe and Bob AzelbyBig Mindset ProblemSo, the other day I was chatting with a colleague of mine, and we were discussing that people BUT this and BUT that (constantly using it as an excuse for everything under the sun) and we were talking about how it works! […]
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