Have you ever attended a networking event, met new contacts, got lots of business cards, enjoyed some really good conversations, but then you could never seem to turn those interaction into ANYTHING after the event? Download the 5-Step Networking Follow Up Blueprint HERE! In this post we’ll take you through the exact 5-Step Networking Followup […]
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Honestly, is networking even worth it?Is it worth both the time and (maybe) money that you spend going to networking or social events?If the answer for you is a big-ole “heck no”,or maybe it’s at least a “not as much as I’d like”……we did this post just for you.Simple can be powerful, so put these […]
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Contacts Instead of Connections?Do you feel like you’ve got LOTS of contacts but very few good connections? You’re not alone. Many people do a good job of collecting business cards (and maybe a decent job with their follow-up), but when contacts go dormant or unresponsive, many times we just let them go and forget about them. Today we’re […]
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Here’s a quick but VERY powerful networking tip.Guess what’s one of the most common, destructive mindsets that plagues business networkers today…It can make your networking efforts completely ineffective…It can make the time you spend at networking events totally fruitless…Do you know what it is?Watch the video above to find out what it is, and more […]
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You know that networking is important and that going to networking events is on your “need to do” radar, BUT you dread the possibility of getting stuck in conversations that simply waste your time.Here’s the thing…even if you’re comfortable knowing how to talk to anyone at a networking event, not knowing how to exit a […]
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